Hebrews 13:5 – ‘Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”’

You are not far,
Closer than a lover,
Nearer than a friend,
More reliable than a phone, You are here.

I will not stop praying to You,
For You are near,
To You I cast my worries and fears, For You hear,
Every intent of my heart,
Every mutter and complaint,
Is not hidden from You.

What can I conceal from the One who sees all my flaws and yet doesn’t look away,
But covers up my nakedness and shame,
In royal robes of righteous grace,

You make me brave, bold, whole and complete.

I am not alone,
For the One who sits on the throne is here with me,
In my yesterday, today and tomorrow,
More reliable than my phone,
Nearer than my friends,
Closer than my lover,
He is not far,
For He is God.


To hear the audio version of this poem- click on the video below:

This poem was taken from my latest book: Swatantra: Poetry birthed on the walk to freedom. Available on all amazon websites and kindle.

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